En Consulta

Ref. OMCTituloComen. HastaPais
G/TBT/N/AUS/170 : The measure will apply to: Engineered stone slabs, panels, and benchtops. 31/12/2024 Australia
G/TBT/N/HND/103 Energía solar 21/12/2024 Honduras
G/TBT/N/IND/348 Food Products 21/12/2024 India
G/TBT/N/TUR/221 Novel foods 21/12/2024 Turkey
G/TBT/N/HND/104 Motores eléctricos 21/12/2024 Honduras
G/TBT/N/CHN/1926 Packaging machinery and its auxiliary equipment 17/12/2024 China
G/TBT/N/CHN/1932 National Standard of the P.R.C. 17/12/2024 China
G/TBT/N/CHL/706 Tractores y Maquinaria agrícola distinta de tractores 16/12/2024 Chile
G/TBT/N/USA/2153 Products of the chemical industry 09/12/2024 Estados Unidos
G/TBT/N/EU/1089 Biocidal products 08/12/2024 Union Europea

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